Edible Education

Community Connections: Edible Education

August 4-7, 2022

“Right there, in the middle of every school day, lies time and energy already devoted to the feeding of children. We have the power to turn that daily school lunch from an afterthought into a joyous education, a way of caring for our health, our environment, and our community.” Alice Waters, The Edible School Yard

This hands-on class will explore our food systems from farm to table, giving pre-service and classroom teachers ideas and resources to help students understand how our food production and consumption relates to personal health and our natural environment. Participants will spend 4 days of hands-on professional development on Quillisascut Farm in Rice Washington learning how school gardens, farmers markets and connecting with local food sources offers opportunities for environmental education.

• Learn about sustainable agriculture and how our food choices have a profound effect on humans, animals, and the environment.
• Hands-on environmental learning about biodiversity and our food environment.
• Basic gardening (composting, direct seeding, transplanting.)
• Integrating small livestock (honeybees and chickens.)
• Bringing it into the kitchen: the flip side of growing produce is how to handle it properly,
food safety (food born hazards) and how to prepare it into a nutritious and tasty meal.
• Integrating gardening and food into health, reading, writing, art, social studies, culture,
science, and math to meet required learning standards. (Intertwine current instruction
with garden and food experiences.)
• Gardens and food as carriers of culture.
• Simple ways to tap into and learn from your local food system.

August 4 arrive at 2:00 pm-leave August 7 at 11:00 am Quillisascut Farm in Rice, WA

The workshop is an all day immersion from early am up with the roosters to do our morning chores to after dinner discussions.
Pre and post session requirements: Participants will be given a list of print, audio, and/or video materials to prepare for the farm stay. Following the workshop, they will be asked to turn in a short summary of positive ideas they plan to put into practice in their classrooms and lives.
Cost: $995 Includes course instruction, materials, speakers, meals and lodging, (participants stay on the farm)

Scholarships available through Quillisascut Education Foundation. If you are requesting a scholarship it is a two application process. Fill out the workshop application and the scholarship application.

45 Clock Hours total (25 STEM )



Application opens in google drive.